I was very lucky to be invited as one of the girls to attend iMany Faces Big Eyes Makeup Workshop worth RM287 last Sunday 27th Feburary at D-Alamanda, KL. Thank you very much iMany Faces! It was personally coach by iMany Faces makeup coach Jasmine Tam who is an experience professional makeup artist of 8 years in many branded makeup industry for Versace, Make Up For Ever, Shu Uemura and Bobbi Brown. Besides, she is also the founder of iMany Faces makeup training zone for modern ladies.
Well, The theme for the clothes that day was “Little Black Dress”. We were asked to prepare a list of things for the workshop, such as double eyelid stickers, tweezer, concealer, eye base, eyeliner, mascara, false eyelash, contact lenses, loose powder etc.
Besides, we were asked to go with full make-up except eyes region because we would like to see the transformation into big eyes!
I never applied double eyelid stickers before, here I learnt. Since my right eye is smaller, so I should stick the eyelid stickers at the right eye to balance it. For those who wish to make the eyes look bigger, you might consider to put two pieces of double eyelid stickers.
Of course, I am a new learner who start my journey to make-up. Well, I was so great that, the coach is friendly. Yes, no girl is ugly, if you wish to have sparkles on your face, make sure you put effort (magic) to your eyes!
Wonder how to apply eyelashes? Here, we learnt to apply it!
Before & After
Photo of the day

For those who wish to have hands-on technique, please grab the opportunity now. Please sign up for iMany Faces' first big eyes makeup workshop now at a lowest price. Please feel free to join iMany Faces fb at here
iMany Faces Big Eyes Makeup Workshop Schedule and details
Date : 27.03.11
Duration : 4 hours workshop
Time : 1pm to 5pm
Location : D'Alamanda Multi-purpose Hall Cheras Kuala Lumpur ( Near PGRM)
Early bird special for the first 10 only - RM127 (Sign up before 11/03/11)
Usual price : RM287
Small size Workshop : Very limited seats only.
How to register?
Send in your name and your contact no. to support@imanyfaces.com to secure a seat.
For inquiries or register kindly reach iMany Faces at support@imanyfaces.com
Girls, it is a golden chance to learn from iMany Faces coach. So, grab the chance! Please spread the news and share it with your friends! Thank you!
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