If you were about to ask me how am i feeling right now...i would scream to you, and tell you that, i am overexcited!!!
It is only the 8 days of the start of 2011!yet, i feel so blessed for the lucks! I am not showing off but wanna to share it out!
can you believe?!!! I was so "pek chek" with my hp last year, because it made me crazy, i cant listen to what the one on phone with me!!!Because the hp was spoilt and it drove me into depression! So, i bought myself a new handphone!

thank you all my friends who wish me at fb~Feel so good with all those "congrats" at here
So, australia, wait for me...i want to bring my beloved mum to travel there!
now, wait for the staff from nokia malaysia to contact me~thank you very much nokia malaysia for such big present!
congrats.. u r so lucky~
thanks dear~
Congrats... u r really so lucky.. i saw u won many contest.. envy-ing.. hehe... =)
thanks angel~
im happy for u! from facebook user xD
because im happy that i just won a bluetooth headset and i guess when u win the 3rd prize it is understandable how excited you are...haha
can i know who are you? anonymous~
Congratez...........happy for u
thanks anonymous...who are you?
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