tqvm for the farewell, food safety lab 2

Thank you very much my dearest labmates for the farewell for me on this lovely Friday!

**TOUCHED** is the only word that I can express my feeling…

I appreciate the helps given to me throughout my master study…I remembered all the joy, fun, also the hardship that I went through with you all in the lab. Every single sweet memory that I had, I will keep it in my heart forever, shall bring to the end of my life!

Nothing else than my gratitude, I love the present given to me…never expected to receive such a wonderful gift! Two nice pens!!!One with the wording “congratulation” and another with the wording “Pui Chai Fung”, how special the pen means to me. It is the love that you all gives to me….

I wont forget everyone of you, of course, some of my labmates whom I didn’t manage to meet up before I go back hometown! You all means a lot to me!

My prayer follows you all no matter when and where I am! I know that we will meet very soon and I will wait for the next meet up! Sincerely my labmates, I wish you all the best! May you all continue the spirit of food safety lab 2! Fight for thesis, for publication, for viva, and of course, graduation!

Love forever!


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